12 Self-Care Tips for the Mind Body & Spirit
Mind, body, and spirit… these three elements combine to make us whole. At least, they should do if we take regular steps to take good care of them all. But you know as well as I do that self-care can...
7 Simple Tips for Winter Wellness
Whether you’re looking to start a new wellness routine or beat the winter blues this is a wonderful time of year to get started. Just think how different everything will feel by Spring if you start making a few changes...
8 Simple Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself
Even when time is short, and you have very little left to spend on yourself, it’s worth remembering one of my favourite - if not slightly overused - sayings, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. Doesn’t that make so...
Supercharge Your Self Care This Summer in 6 Simple Steps
Summer is the perfect time to super charge your self-care. Even though our ‘to-do’ lists don’t disappear during this beautiful season, the light filled days always make everything feel a little easier, don’t you think?So, if you want feel more...
A busy woman’s guide to boosting self care and productivity.
You’re always busy, I know how you feel because for the last two decades I’ve been the owner of a small business which has meant juggling so many balls that I’ve lost count! There are times when a hectic work...
6 Ways to Embrace the Power of Spring
As I watch the garden begin to bloom, I’m reminded of what an incredible season this is; a time of promise and refreshed hope - perfect for starting over, creating new plans and making the most of the months that...
6 Natural Ways to Reduce Daily Stress
Stress impacts us in ways that we don’t often think about; it causes headaches, sleeplessness and mood swings. But, they’re just the things that you notice. Did you know that stress can also change the way you breathe, increase your...
7 Simple Ways to Reclaim Your Mornings
What do your mornings look like? Do they support you in feeling positive about the day ahead or leave you feeling frazzled before it really gets started? There’s no denying that for some, mornings can be a challenge; getting everyone...
Is mindfulness the answer to reducing your daily stress?
Stress is a complex subject. But one thing’s for sure; most of us are living with more of it than ever before. Now, whether the reason for that is a faster pace of life, more technology, social comparison or a...
How Important Is A Holistic Night Time Routine?
The benefits of a night time routine are endless; most importantly though is that it prepares for a beautiful and restful nights sleep.  I'm sharing my night time ritual in the hope that it inspires you to create your own. ...
10 Reasons to Hit Pause More Often
How often do you hit pause during the average day? Once? Twice? Never? There are lots of great reasons for doing this, as I discovered when I started doing it. If you need convincing, I’ve lined up some of the...
6 Positive Ways that Slowing Down Improves Your Life
Has anyone ever suggested you should stop and smell the flowers? Maybe you were in too much of a rush to hear what they said! There’s much to be said for slowing down, even though it may feel as if...
6 Tips For Simplifying Your Life
Does life ever feel too complicated? There’s always so much to do and you never seem to have time to spend on the things that matter the most to you.  I know the feeling well. Sometimes, our lives - and...
10 Easy Ways to Rest When You Can’t Take a Holiday
While it’s lovely to have a holiday to plan and look forward to, there are times when a couple of weeks away isn’t convenient, or this year even possible!  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy some of those...
5 Mindful Ways To Welcome Change Into Your Life
I think we’ve all had those times when we hear a gentle whisper telling us that something needs to change. We know that the voice is right, but often we resist what it’s asking of us. Why? Because change can...
7 Ways To Reconnect to Yourself When You’re Feeling Lost
At some point or another, I think most of us have lost track of who we are – I’m sure that you can relate? One day you just stop and realise that you feel adrift and that your life feels...
5 Self Care Rituals to Celebrate a New Beginning
Starting a new chapter can sometimes take everything that we’ve got, whether you’re beginning a different phase of life, taking a leap of faith or starting a new project. It’s at times like these that self-care becomes even more important;...
10 Ways To Reduce Stress This Christmas
Christmas can be a magical time of year, but there’s no doubt that for some of us, it increases our stress and anxiety levels to record levels. The pressure that we feel to achieve everything, keep everyone happy and enjoy...
How to Calm your Mind
Wouldn’t you love to slow down those never-ending thoughts, worries and fears swirling around your head? To enjoy a few peaceful moments and even sleep a little easier.  I know that when you have an overactive mind, that can seem...
How To Press Reset On A Challenging Day
Have you ever wished that you could just start the day over? It happens to us all. A difficult night’s sleep, a morning routine that didn’t flow as it should, getting stuck in traffic and making it to work with...
12 Ways To Detox Your Mind Body And Spirit
I’m sure that we’re all familiar with the idea of detoxing, cleansing ourselves of things that aren’t supporting us and the life that we picture for ourselves. And while much of the focus for detoxing leans towards what we’re eating...I...